logo AyiConnect Staff, Dec 30, 2022
Read 1天前

AyiConnect wishes you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year

Today ends a year of collaboration, challenges, successes, and learning. We want to thank you for this fantastic year, for helping us make it possible, and being here.

As a part of our reflection and what we have accomplished, here is what we delivered in 2022:

  • - Top 5 languages: Chinese Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish, Tagalog, and French.
  • - Serviced families: 2 x from 2021
  • - Average time to receive applicants: 2x faster from 2021
  • - Double users from 2021

For the new year, we understand there are improvements to offer you a better user experience and engagement, to help you connect with the right help or jobs. You will see many upcoming changes and communication coming from us in the near future.

May this coming year be full of health, prosperity, and fulfilled dreams.