
Looking for a Nanny on 05/01/2023 寻找保姆 05/01/2023

Hi! We are looking for a Nanny for our family. This position is in Thousand Oaks, Ventura County, CA, United States, live out. We are looking for someone who can have a flexible schedule week by week. Half of the hours will be heavy loaded one week, then lighter the other week due to my work schedule. On heavy weeks, we are looking for someone Mon-Fri. On the less heavy week, we are looking for someone for 3-4 days of the week. The ideal candidate can speak chinese Mandarin and a little English, and can care for Infant and have a car and be CPR certified. Must be comfortable with dogs. Please apply to the job to learn more about us! Looking forward to meeting you! 你好!我们正在为我们的家庭寻找一名保姆。此职位在美国加利福尼亚州文图拉县千橡市居住。我们正在寻找可以每周安排灵活日程的人。由于我的工作安排,一周一半的时间会很重,然后在另一周较轻。在繁忙的几周,我们正在寻找周一至周五的人。在不那么繁重的一周,我们正在寻找每周 3-4 天的人。理想的候选人可以说中文普通话和一点英语,可以照顾婴儿,有车,并获得心肺复苏术认证。必须对狗感到舒服。请申请该职位以了解更多关于我们的信息!期待与您见面!

$20 时薪
2023-05-01 — 待定
5 天/周
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