Ben Strecha MD of E-courses4you pioneered e-learning from the late 1990’s and has been involved in many projects over and has have seen the changes and growth in this industry.

Thanks to our exclusive partners providing the latest state of the art training. Our vision is to become one of the world leading provider of quality and affordable e-learning training for everyone.

“I remember being one of only a handful of training providers and building up the business on great customer support and service, 18 years on and we are still going strong. We must be doing something right!”

Our mission is to provide forward thinking training with you in mind whether you want to advance up the career ladder, are looking to start a new job, are thinking about a home based business or want to improve your general health and fitness, e-Courses4You, will deliver you training to improve EVERY aspect of your life .

Our courses are provided by leading experts in their field for example we don’t just source any off the shelf course content, for example, our e-science programme was developed by an ex-Professor at Stanford who used to work with NASA!! , our celebrity partners include Brian Tracy, Tony Robbins and Stephen Covey and our business packages are partnered by Microsoft to bring you content which is not just average but outstanding!

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    美国, 得克萨斯州, Dallas / 达拉斯
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